3rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP)
“Paradigms of Change and Changing Paradigms in Chinese Philosophy”
5-7 September 2019, Ghent University
Throughout the long history of Chinese philosophy, the topic of change has been a recurrent and, in a sense, constant theme. Chinese conceptualizations of change extend from the classical Yijing 易經 to the processual outlook on reality, human existence, and socio-historical development articulated by many modern Chinese thinkers. This rich and varied historical trajectory has endowed the encounter between Chinese and Western thought in contemporary comparative philosophy with the potential to usher in philosophical paradigm changes outside of the field of Sinology. The variety of contributions to this conference approach the topics of “change” and “paradigms” from a broad perspective, addressing methodological questions, the relations between different traditions, textual continuities and ruptures, cultural and historical comparisons, the individual and social dimensions of human existence, as well as bodily and spiritual practices of self-cultivation and transformation.
For more information on the European Association for Chinese Philosophy, go to https://ea-cp.eu/
Organizing Committee
Prof. Bart Dessein, Department of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium (bart.dessein@ugent.be).
Dr. Ady Van den Stock, Department of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium (ady.vandenstock@ugent.be)
FWO (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek/Research Foundation Flanders)